The World’s Largest Mushroom?

A new discovery was found in the mycology world last year, which shows major breakthroughs in the science. The Honey Mushroom, which is a very well known parasitic mushroom, was found in large quantities in Michigan Forest in 1992. When first examined there were a few estimations on how large and old the mushroom itself was. Later on they went to find out that that fungi itself was actually 2,500 years old, weighed over 881,849 pounds, and stretched over 173 acres of land. These numbers are the largest ever seen, making it the worlds largest known mushroom to this day. Not only is it the world’s largest mushroom, but the world’s largest living organism. This opens a whole new range of possibilities when it comes to the mycology world. Additional extensive research on these mushrooms may even help to answer some unknown questions.

The Parasitic Honey Mushroom Growing On A Tree (Source:







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Hello world!

The topic I chose for my blog was mushrooms. I chose this since mushrooms have been a big part of my life and they interest me very much. Not only have I done some of my own research, but I also taken a Mycology course, or “the study of mushrooms” in my last semester at Plymouth State University. With new research and science around the topic appearing frequently, I though this would be a great idea.